bpd · Mental Health


So I’ve started this new thing of making a scrapbook. Those who know me or that have read my last post will know that I’m terrible at sticking to these new ideas and actually following through with them. But I guess unlike a diary I can leave the scrapbooking for a few months and then… Continue reading Scrapbooking

Anxiety · bpd · Mental Health · Uncategorized

BPD, Anxiety and Breakdowns at Work.

So the worst has happened, I had a complete breakdown at work. The one place where I’ve been doing so well at pretending that I’m ok and that I don’t have this stupid mental illness. I’ve just gone and ruined it all. It all came from my anxiety. My boss told me that I had… Continue reading BPD, Anxiety and Breakdowns at Work.

bpd · Mental Health · Uncategorized

This sadness will last until the next mood swing.

My moods are very erratic. I can go from hypomanic to depressed in a matter of seconds and can happen multiple times a day. One thing that you are certain of when you spend time with me is that you can never guess which me you’ll end up with. It’s truly frustrating for everyone involved.… Continue reading This sadness will last until the next mood swing.

Mental Health · Uncategorized

Valentine’s, Love and Support

It’s Valentine’s day, it’s a completely overrated day, I can’t say I care much about it but I still felt horrible that I couldn’t afford to get my boyfriend much. So I made him this beautiful and well-made card. . I spent a good hour with my work friends making the card, we had a lot… Continue reading Valentine’s, Love and Support

Happiness · Mental Health

20 things I NEED to do this year

Start a herb garden Take more pictures with my polaroid camera (artsy stuff) Create my own recipes, go wild, think Vicar of Dibley: Letitia Cropley: The question is whether I bring the snails I’ve got for my new recipe. Frank Pickle: What recipe is that? Letitia Cropley: Bread and Butter Pudding Surprise. Start baking again,… Continue reading 20 things I NEED to do this year